What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?

An important step in career planning is to answer two simple, but really difficult questions: What do you want to accomplish? What is hindering you from achieving it? Sure, it is easy to say, “I want a promotion, more money, freedom, prestige, security, etc.”. However, these answers may skirt the real issues. What we say…

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How to Prepare for the Future of Work and Careers

The T-Summit 2016, convened at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC March 21-22, 2016, was an ambitious undertaking to bring together government, industry and academia to,” maximize dissemination on the latest learnings of T-Shaped professionals, and how policies, curriculum, and student and employee behavior can prepare the future workforce.” The third annual conference…

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Rethinking Work in the Era of Smart Machines

We have entered the era of Smart Machines (Artificial Intelligence, powered by Cloud, Analytics, Social Networks and accessible through mobile devices and sensors) that provides great opportunity for individuals, communities, regions, countries and the planet; yet, it is disrupting traditional assumptions and beliefs about the certainty of organizations, employment, and the nature of work itself.…

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Re-invent and Improve the Customer Experience

One of Service Thinking core principles is to leverage digital technologies to co-create value for the customer experience, designing with empathy and relevance to each moment of contact. Robert LeBlanc, SVP Software and Cloud Solutions Group recently presented IBM’s vision of the potential of Cloud to fulfill that goal; businesses that succeed will reinvent themselves…

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The CMO Agile Role and Challenges in the Cloud, Analytics and Social Era

Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) are experiencing great uncertainty with constant disruptive change: 79% expect a high level of complexity over the next five years and 52% feel unprepared for this complexity. The major sources of these game-changers are Data explosion (77%), Social Media (68%), and Growth of Channel and Device Choices (65%). [1] So CMO’s…

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