Posts by sapermktg
Thinking About an MBA? Balancing Education and a Busy Schedule is Feasible
Are you struggling with how to open up opportunities for yourself by improving your qualifications? So many really appealing career paths seem to require advance training and degrees just to get through the door for consideration. If you’re thinking about going back to formal education for a degree, then perhaps a Masters of Business Administration…
Read More“You Don’t Get It”: To Get Joy Reset Priorities
You may discover too late that what were perfectly fine priorities and habits in one life phase hinder you as you age or shift to different circumstances. How many of us miss joy, ready to be had, because we are slow to change? I recently attended a wonderful house-warming party of a young couple, who…
Read MoreThe Value of “You are Almost There”
Many feel that we do not deserve success, joy, and to achieve our aspirations, because we are not good enough, smart enough, pretty or handsome enough, or come from the right background, university, or pedigree. Observe two year olds finger painting, three year olds strumming a guitar, or four year olds dancing to their own…
Read MoreAvoid This Mistaken Belief That Can Unravel Your Life and Work
Does this sound familiar? A person who becomes astute and solicitous of bosses, clients, customers, and those who can advance his/her career behaves oblivious, dismissive, and tone-deaf among family and friends. Or the opposite may be true. The person who is gregarious, engaging, and generous with family and friends becomes nasty, bossy, and overbearing at…
Read MoreWhat You Are Missing May be the Most Important Leadership Skill You Were Never Taught
Good leaders motivate, inspire, and achieve buy-in and engagement using a skill set never taught, but always learned. Did you know? You could be more successful just by practicing good listening skills ‑– and there are some common listening “mistakes” to avoid. If you want to build credibility, loyalty, and good team collaboration, then “bone up”…
Read MoreHow To Succeed At The Office Party (Hint: it is not sucking up to your boss)
Your office party or annual meeting, where everyone comes together in a seemingly contrived festive mood to see and be seen, maybe a great opportunity for you to positively move your career forward. Many junior and mid-level people may be unaware that these gatherings are as important, if not more so, than the business meetings,…
Read MoreThe Value of Life Long Learning
I am often asked about the usefulness of an MBA. Having taught in several MBA university programs (15 years at San Francisco State University among others) and seen career trajectories of many MBA graduates—including my older son who is well into 15 years in his career—I have my own and observed experience[JS1] [JS2] . First, you can…
Read MoreCheck Market Reality for Transition to Purposeful Career
Julie is an Ivy League MBA graduate. While working at a mid-level position in a well-known investment bank, she received a fellowship to work in K-12 Education to increase innovation in education. Julie is bored with investment banking and intrigued by a possible career transition to nonprofit work to develop new approaches to education. But…
Read MoreCareer Questions to Ask Before Making a Move
Before you actually make a career transition you should know who you are, what you imagine you would like to accomplish, what is hindering you from getting where you would like to be, and what is your plan to get there? Some questions that may help guide you are: Where do I fit? How do I…
Read MoreCan You Re-Imagine Yourself?
Jane is a highly educated and accomplished 40 year old, who has attended some of the US top-ranked undergraduate and graduate universities. She works in a boutique Consulting firm specializing in strategic planning in non-profit organizations in one of the most prestigious cities in the country. From all objective measures, Jane has it all. Yet,…
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